Tuesday 7 February 2017

University of Cape Town staff offered an unnegotiable below- inflation wage increase of 6% for 2017.

Image result for uct
The University of Cape Town's three unions are in a deadlock
with management after staff were unilaterally offered a below-inflation wage increase of 6% for 2017.

The Employees Union and Academics Union said UCT
“refused to negotiate as per the recognition agreements with
each union” and instead provided them with a final, non-
negotiable offer in response to their demands.

They said staff had worked to meet management’s saving
targets and austerity measures, and borne the brunt of frozen
posts, voluntary separations, early retirement, and

EU management told members that UCT was no longer
honouring a recognition agreement that set out how they ought to engage on issues like salary negotiations.

Nehawu’s deputy secretary Xolani Poswa said UCT was “not
prepared” to change its offer. 
He said they would hold meetings with their members to discuss their next step.

UCT said it would continue talking to the unions.

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