Thursday 9 February 2017

R3.500 minimum wage agreement to be implement from next year

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Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa says it will take at least two years to bring wages on par with a proposed national minimum wage, determined by sectored agreements.

Ramaphosa announced on Wednesday that an agreement, still to be signed by Cosatu, has been reached on a proposed
minimum wage of R3,500 per month, to be implemented from May next year.

But Ramaphosa said government recognises that this amount is nowhere near an acceptable living wage. 

Government wants to see at least 6.6 million workers earn a minimum wage of R3,500 per month.

But at least 4.8 million of them are covered by sectored
agreements which prescribe their own basic minimums for at
least 17 categories of workers, including farm and domestic

Ramaphosa says it is hoped that these sectors will be able to match the minimum wage within two years.

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