Thursday 16 February 2017

Instability after UKZN executives' suspension

Image result for ukzn
THE suspension of five University of Kwa-ZuluNatal top executives on Monday has revealed major differences of opinion between the staff, students, and unions.
While some have shown their support for the five suspended executives, others have applauded the suspensions, saying the executives had a negative impact on the university.

The five were suspended on Monday, following accusations of incompetence and racism against the vice-chancellor, Professor Albert van Jaarsveld in 2015.

Nehawu provincial secretary Phakama Ndunakazi said the suspension of the five executives was suicidal for the vice-chancellor.
Ndunakazi said the organisation wanted to meet with the university’s council as it was concerned about the instability created by the suspensions and how it would affect disadvantaged students at the university. 

He said the union would be defending their members, but would also defend those whose educations might have been compromised by the incident.

Provincial SRC president, Noxolo Bhengu, said the council would not be involved in the politics of the university and would be acting purely in the interests of the students.
She said the situation had caused instability and that the students were at the receiving end of the entire disaster.

Bhengu said the SRC wanted everyone to work together and that they will be having a meeting with the university’s council, but they were waiting for a date to be set.

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