Sunday 5 February 2017

SASSA briefs Parliament on new social assistance payment tender

Image result for sa social security agency During the first week of February, the South African Social Security Agency briefed Parliament on the progress made on implementing the Constitutional Court ruling on the bidding
of a new social assistance payment tender.

The agency presented its plan on how social grants will be
paid out to the Social Development Portfolio
Committee as from April.

This comes after it was revealed that the current contract between the agency and Cash Paymaster Services is set to expire at the end of March.

In 2014, the Constitutional Court ruled that the tender awarded to Cash Paymaster by Sassa was unlawful.

The unanimous judgment by the highest court in the land
declared that the contract between Sassa and Cash Paymaster for the payment of social grants was invalid and ordered that the tender process be re-run.

Although the order required that there be a new tender process, the court declared that Cash Payment Services had to continue to carry out its obligations to issue payment of welfare grants and that the decision on the proposed final solution lies with Sassa.

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