Friday 17 February 2017

Two NFP suspended members fight for MP positions

Image result for two suspended nfp members
SUSPENDED former NFP leaders Maliyakhe Shelembe and Nhlanhla Khubisa have filed an urgent application at the Pietemaritzburg high court, fighting their dismissal.
The former NFP chairperson and the former secretary general were suspended after the party’s local government election disaster.

Both were suspended for six years after the party’s National Disciplinary Committee found them guilty of failing to pay the IEC registration deposit on time for local elections.
The party was then disqualified from contesting the August elections.

The urgent application was argued by advocate Vershen Moodley yesterday.

In court papers, the two were asking that they be declared as valid members of the NFP until the finalisation of the decision, authorising their eviction.
The two also wanted to interdict the party and National Assembly speaker, Baleka Mbete, from removing them as members of Parliament.

They argue that subjecting them to disciplinary proceedings were both irregular and unlawful and should be set aside.
The two said they had not been given a fair opportunity to state their cases during the disciplinary process.

The court granted them an interim order and the case will return to court on March 22.

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