Sunday 5 February 2017

Residents urged to join patrols

Image result for hilton pietermaritzburg
THE recent increase in house robberies and breakins has
become a major cause of concern for Hilton residents.
In a meeting with the Hilton community, the ward seven councillor Craig Millar urged residents to be more hands-on when it comes to combating crime.
The councillor said people should evolve just as the criminals have.

According to Millar, the sharing of information via WhatsApp groups and other social media platforms has a positive effect in combating crime.
However, he said more residents should subscribe and support the various crime prevention initiatives in the area.

Hilton Community Policing Forum chairperson, Mduduzi Mjwara, said the increase in crime could also be attributed to increase in construction and contract building developments leading to more traffic in and out of the area.
Mjwara said poor street lighting and vacant plots could also be a contributor to the increase in crime.

He added that as much as people depend on the police, they also needed to make sure that as a community they are doing everything possible to ensure their safety.
Dave Stewart from the Hilton Street Hawks security initiative said the decrease in crime over the years has made some residents complacent when it comes to security.
According to Stewart, it has become difficult for the Street Hawks to combat crime because of a lack of support from the community.

He said at some point the Street Hawks had about 14 to 20 people working in the area and at the moment they have only six.

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