Thursday 9 February 2017

Undercover police to patrol PMB Ematsheni area

Image result for ematsheni beer hall
CRIMINALS will soon run out of place as undercover police officers are set to take to the streets of the Pietermaritzburg CBD in a bid to curb crime.
The focus will be on the Ematsheni area, which is now occupied by vagrants and alleged whoonga smokers.

Following their eviction from the Ematsheni beer hall in December last year, the vagrants now occupy the pavements outside buildings along Hoosen Haffejee Street in the Ematsheni area, upsetting local residents and business owners.
It is alleged that the vagrants now smoke, sell and buy whoonga and other drugs in plain sight.

A man who has been living in a building on Hoosen Haffejee Street for over 70 years said he has never seen the streets in such an appalling condition.

A number of local business owners and their customers have also complained about the presence of the vagrants, saying they are making the area unsafe.
Vather’s Garage, located on Hoosen Haffejee Street opposite the Ematsheni taxi rank, has decided to erect a metal fence and a gate in a bid to keep the vagrants out.
Owner of Auto and General Supplies, Ameen Aniff, which is also located on Hoosen Haffejee Street, said the presence of the vagrants is making his customers uncomfortable.

uMgungundlovu South cluster police commander MajorGeneral Phumelele Makhoba, said the issue of the Ematsheni area was being addressed.
Makhoba said freedom of association and movement, is what made it difficult for the police to intervene, as most as these vagrants are just sitting on the pavements, which is not a crime.

However, she said a number of undercover police officers will be deployed to the area to stamp out all criminal activity. 

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