Tuesday 7 February 2017

Owner of the truck involved in a horrific crash on Durban's Fields Hill Road appears in Verulam agiatrate's court

Image result for durban field road truck crash
Gregory Govender  the owner of the truck which was
involved in a horrific crash resulting in multiple deaths on
Durban's Fields Hill Road in 2013, appeared before
the Verulam Magistrate's Court today.

Twenty four people were killed when the truck ploughed into
peak afternoon traffic at a busy intersection in Pinetown west of

The truck was driven my Sanele May, who later pleaded guilty
to the charges of culpable homicide, driving with a fake licence
and being in the country illegally.

Govender is facing a charge of employing an illegal
immigrant, Sanele May, and also failing to do background
checks on his employee.

According to the State, Govender's truck was unroadworthy
and his company Segekal Logistics failed to maintain the truck

Evidence that was presented in court suggests that May lost
control of the truck and it crashed into traffic at a busy
intersection at the bottom of the steep hill.

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