Monday 20 February 2017

Msunduzi Deputy Municipal Manager accused of obstructing Forestry

Image result for doctor ray ngcobo
A potentially rewarding municipal forestry project has been rocked by conflict that may impact on its operations and staff.
Msunduzi Forestry Company interim board members have accused deputy municipal manager Dr Ray Ngcobo of trying to interfere in the operations of the entity, which is worth R30 million per annum.
However, this has been strongly denied by Msunduzi.
The change of the entity from NCT Forestry Co-operative Limited to Msunduzi is affected by accusations and counter accusations, leading to a standoff between interim board members and municipal officials.
The change came after the Municipal Finance Management Act prevented the NCT, a private forestry co-operative, from continuing to run municipality-owned forests.
Board members have also turned against their chairperson, Nomalanga Pascal, accusing her of conflict of interest.
Board members have warned that the entity will go down the drain should municipal officials not be stopped from interfering.
In 2015, the Msunduzi council appointed an interim board of directors to oversee the management and establishment of the MFC.
Members of the interim board accuse Ngcobo of employing his ex-colleague from the failed Sisonke Development Agency, as the entity’s CEO without the board’s approval.
However, Ngcobo has denied this.

Municipal spokesperson Thobeka Mafumbatha said there was no interference in the running of the entity. 

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