Thursday 9 February 2017

Ugu Disctrict Municipality back at its feet

Image result for ugu district municipality
UGU District Municipality’s hard work towards building a responsive, caring and accountable local government was recognised when it was named the best performing Back to Basics municipality in KZN at an awards ceremony at the showgrounds in Pietermaritzburg last week.
Councillors, led by deputy mayor Mondli Chiliza and management committee members led by municipal manager DD Naidoo attended where all the best performing municipalities were recognised.
The B2B is a national programme that was launched in September 2014 by the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs, which seeks to improve service delivery, by municipalities.
After Ugu District was among municipalities who were regarded as being dysfunctional and requiring intervention, a plan was then put in place with Cogta under which the municipality was to base its operations.
The municipality has since committed to improve and so moved from dysfunctional to fully functional status.

The municipality was awarded a certificate for improvement on the B2B programme and another for the implementation of the support plan, for alignment of the integrated development plan and intergovernmental relations.

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