Tuesday 14 February 2017

PMB drag racers hope for legal racing track from Municipality

Image result for drag racing in south africa
Pietermaritzburg's drag racing fans are set to get
a race venue from the City where they can race legally.

This comes after an incident last month, when a
Durban man was beaten up by a group of drag racers
after he went through a red robot at night, disrupting
their illegal drag race.

The incident attracted widespread disapproval but
drag racers say such incidents highlight the need for a
legal track.

It is not uncommon for some of Pietermaritzburg’s
streets like Victoria Road to have drag races during the
night, as cars usually race down the narrow lane with
cheering spectators.

Local drag racer Garth Harwood from Woodlands, said
drag racing enthusiasts want the municipality to set
aside a small area of land for a legal track as there is a
huge interest from youngsters in the sport.

Harwood said just like soccer players and basketball
players who have their sporting facilities, they too
would appreciate a facility where they can do what
they love legally without getting into trouble with the

He said there had been long negotiations with the
Msunduzi Municipality to allow a race venue at
Mason’s Mill if environmental impact requirements
were met.

The racer said until the municipality steps up, motor
sports lovers will continue to take part in illegal drag
races in Pietermaritzburg.

He said he often gets invited to other cities for events
where it is legal but can never host his own events
because there is no venue.

Michael Chetty of the Illegal-to- Legal Drag Racing
Committee, said if given the go-ahead, the
Pietermaritzburg drag racing club could boost the local
economy and make the sport safe.

Former Community Policing Forum chairperson Jay
Jugwanth, said hopes of legal drag racing were raised
during the last municipal elections.

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