Thursday 2 March 2017

Willies Mchunu's speech taken with mixed re-actions

Premier Willies Mchunu has backed calls for radical economic and land transformation
Premier Willies Mchunu’s State of the Province Address speech received a mixed reaction from political parties.
While others accepted it as a fair review of the state of the province, others blamed Mchunu for singing the same song that was sung by his predecessor, Senzo Mchunu last year.
They criticised Mchunu for not providing any practical solutions to problems being faced by the province.
DA caucus leader Francois Rodgers said Wednesday’s address showed that people of KZN can no longer rely on the ANC to turn the province around.
Rodgers said the premier did not comment on the critical role of the transport sector and related infrastructure needs, ignoring its critical role in kick-starting KZN’s economy.
He further said Mchunu delivered a misleading account of the true state of healthcare in KZN, failing to acknowledge that only one third of all clinics in the province are fully accredited in terms of norms and standards.
NFP leader at the provincial legislature Vikizitha Mlotshwa said as the NFP, they were ashamed of the speech given by the premier as it repeated the same things said by the previous premier.
IFP chief whip Joshua Mazibuko said his party accepted the premier’s address as a fair portrayal of the state of the province.
ANC secretary Super Zuma described the speech as comprehensive and well balanced.

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