Friday 3 March 2017

Pietermaritzburg against xenophobia

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Fear arising from recent xenophobic attacks in the country has driven Pietermaritzburg’s foreign nationals to find ways of dealing with the issue.
Foreign nationals and locals from Pietermaritzburg gathered at the city hall on Thursday for a roundtable discussion on finding solutions to xenophobia.
The roundtable talks stemmed from a previous research project conducted by Pacsa on xenophobia.
According to the study, prime areas of tension which inflamed xenophobic attacks included jobs, crime, sexuality, religion and cultural differences.
Dr Vaughn John of UKZN said the success of the project lay in creating a platform that eliminated the “them and us” phenomenon during discussions but rather promoted unity.

John said the information gathered from the research allowed opportunity for both locals and foreign nationals to come into dialogue and discuss the issue.

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