Thursday 2 March 2017

KZN Government to deal with corruption

Image result for KZN state of the province address 2017
KZN Premier Willies Mchunu has promised to deal with all poorly performing provincial government departments and corrupt officials.
Delivering his State of the Province Address at the Pietermaritzburg Royal Showgrounds on Wednesday, Mchunu said he was not impressed with the state of provincial governance, saying the province was still facing a lot of challenges.
According to the 2015/16 annual audit outcomes, only one provincial department received a clean audit while four received qualified audit outcomes.
Mchunu views this as a clear indication that there is a lot of room for improvement in bettering efficient governance in state institutions.
He said from now onwards, HODs have been cautined by the Provincial Executive Council that there will be disciplinary actions for any non-compliance with legislation.
The Premier said they will deal firmly with fraudulent issuing of tenders as investigations by the Provincial Treasury’s Internal Audit unit had resulted in about 106 cases being sent for criminal investigations. 
He said about 116 are still being investigated.

Meanwhile, a total of 57 disciplinary actions were recommended and 73 cases were handed over to the SAPS and the HAWKS with about 10 matters of these currently before court.

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