Wednesday 15 March 2017

Provincial government has no money to pay Izinduna

Image result for izinduna
THE Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs has said any hope of receiving a clean audit will be gone if it has to pay KZN izinduna more than R125 million.
Izinduna are the leaders in villages and they report to amakhosi.

Acting head of the department Thando Tubane told a finance portfolio committee at the legislature yesterday that the dream might remain a pipe dream.
Tubane said the department will not be able to account for the millions it will pay to izinduna when auditorgeneral Kimi Makwetu reveals his findings at the end of the financial year.
The department is expected to pay half of the R252,3 million izinduna salary bill.

Provincial government has insisted that it does not have the funds to pay izinduna despite President Jacob Zuma signing the proclamation in 2014.

MEC Nomusa DubeNcube had even gone to Zuma and the commission to say that the department does not have the money.

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