Wednesday 15 March 2017

HENLEY DAM AREA RESIDENTS: "Its time to fight for water"

Image result for DRY TAP
The HENLEY Dam area­ has been without water for more than three weeks.
Father of three school-going children, Aubrey Madlala, said his family life has been a living hell during this time while the municipality does not seem to care.
Madlala said it has been more than three weeks since they last had running water and that it is frustrating because they have to run around begging from other areas.
He said he carries containers even when he goes to work so he can bring water back for his family, adding that numerous attempts to get help from the municipality, have been futile.
The frustrated man said the municipality dispatched water tanks but his home still has no water as it is far from the main road where the tanks are dispatched and he is at work when they come to the area.
Another resident, Nkosi Malima, said he believed it was time the community got together and fought to get results about the situation.
Malima said the way the municipality has been ignoring them makes him believe they do not care as they cannot expect a community to survive without water for so long.
The area ward councillor, Malunisi­ Zondi, said the water outage was due to a planned shutdown by Umgeni Water, weeks ago.

Umgeni Water spokesperson Shami Harichunder, said there was no shutdown in the area and water outages have been due to technical issues.

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