Monday 6 March 2017

ANC persistent on land and radical economic transformation

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KZN Premier Willies Mchunu has backed calls for radical economic and land transformation.
President Jacob Zuma and the ANC have been consistently calling for the implementation of the two programmes.
Last week Mchunu said there was a need to ensure that the call for radical economic transformation does not only remain a slogan, but is implemented.

Mchunu said the provincial government will continually interrogate its procurement practices to promote opportunities for local small contractors, SMMEs, and cooperatives owned by black African people.

He said they have embarked upon Operation Vula to formulate an operational plan for the implementation to open up economic opportunities for small social enterprises and cooperatives.

Mchunu said the party, has called on Provincial Treasury to ensure that supply chain management processes, procedures and decisions are reviewed, to advance radical economic transformation, in KZN.

In addition, Mchunu announced that the Department of Water and Sanitation, had made available R700 million, to be used for drought interventions. 

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