Tuesday 31 January 2017

New hope for two Pietermaritzburg graduates

University graduates Sibusiso Buthelezi (left) and Siyanda Bhengu are optimistic after being offered job interviews as a result of holding up placards on Old Howick road recently.

Two Pietermaritzburg graduates who have been unemployed for the past two years are optimistic after receiving positive feedback on their pursuit for jobs.

Sibusiso Buthelezi and Siyanda Bhengu took their job hunting campaign to the streets when they stood with placards, detailing their qualifications on Old Howick road, recently.
It has since been reported that Buthelezi went for an interview at a company in Mkhondeni, while Bhengu has received a call to drop off his CV at the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.
National Shopfitting Interiors director, Craig Leonett said Buthelezi was interviewed by the company on Thursday, the 26th of January 2017, after his colleague Jay was touched by the story of the two young men.
Cogta spokesperson, Lennox Mabaso said MEC Nomusa Dube Ncube was also impressed by the actions of the two young men.

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