Tuesday 31 January 2017

Criminals target state vehicles

Image result for south african state vehicles

Following a series of stolen vehicles, it is now believed that state vehicles were being targeted by a syndicate in
Premier Willies Mchunu said the province continues to witness state vehicles either stolen or hijacked, one after the other.
The premier's comment comes shortly after a KZN Health Department vehicle was hijacked in Willowfontein clinic, in Pietermaritzburg recently.
The provincial government has since linked the syndicate to cross border crime.
The Department of Transport, Community Safety and Liaison was mandated to probe the matter and is expected to give a full report before the end of the financial year in March.
The probe is expected to cover how many state vehicles have been stolen, how the syndicate operates, the most affected departments and the money lost, and then come up with solutions.
The KZN government has called upon communities to cooperate with the police and report those suspected of being involved as this will affect the provision of quality health care.

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