Monday 5 June 2017

Woman dies fleeing rogues

Image result for church street n3 bridge

A young woman was hit by a car and killed as she tried to escape a group of men who attacked her, and two friends in Pietermaritzburg on Saturday.

Netcare 911 spokesperson, Nick Dollman said three friends, two women and one male were looking to hitchhike, waiting under the Church Street bridge next to the N3 when they were accosted by a group of men who proceeded to attack them and steal their belongings.
A 23-year-old woman, who was among the group being attacked managed to escape and attempted to dash across the highway only to be struck by a passing car.
Dolman said the woman sustained severe injuries and died at the scene, while the motorist was not injured. 
He added that her friends witnessed the entire event and were traumatised.

Documentation pertaining to her death was completed by Netcare 911 paramedics and handed over to police authorities at the scene.

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